
Housing Development

We have been involved in a wide range of housing development projects.  We bring extensive knowledge and experience using the federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program for both conventional and supportive housing projects.  We are happy to act as a joint-venture partner with  non-profit organizations, or to complete development for non-profit sponsors on a turnkey basis

Non Profit Facility Acquisition

Housing Workshop Inc., through its affiliate, Facility Acquisition Partners, has developed a strategy to assist non-profit organizations use tax-exempt bonds to acquire a permanent home for their executive offices and program services.  We were very pleased to assist VIP Community Services and Family Support Systems Unlimited, two Bronx non-profits close on their properties.

Program Development

We utilize and combine resources in innovative ways to create programs that are practical and well-suited to our clients’ capabilities.

Strategic Planning

Needs identification, assessment and program design;We research and prepare grant applications and proposals to federal and local agencies, foundations and other institutions.  Our successful grant applications have included McKinney Housing Plus Services grant for homeless women in New York CIty,  HUD Homeownership Zone funding of $4 million for San Juan  that facilitated development of homes in the Cantera Peninsula.

Pilot Program Design

An extension of our Program Design services, we identify pilot or demonstration projects and provide expert supervision and management through project completion.